Water and Wastewater Hydraulic Modeling

Hydraulic modeling of water and wastewater systems has been the cornerstone of Mr. Tobon’s career.

Over 30 years ago upon graduating from college his first assignments as a consultant were the development of hydraulic models for the City of Coral Springs, Miami Beach and Boca Raton. Upon his employment with the City of Fort Lauderdale in 1997 he immediately took responsibility of the water and wastewater hydraulic models that had been developed by consultants under his guidance. During his remaining years with the City, he worked with consultants to update and expand both the water and wastewater models into useful tools for capital planning. This technical hydraulic modeling skill continued when he was employed by Palm Beach County Water Utilities where he became a mentor to younger staff and developed inhouse hydraulic modeling capabilities.

Over 30 years of hydraulic modeling experience using KYPIPE, Cybernet, and Infowater (Innovyze) software. Mr. Tobon has developed hydraulic models up to 75,000 pipes for both water and wastewater systems, including pump and booster stations.

Experienced in model development from GIS databases, calibration based on field test data, capital planning, and evaluation.   This experience includes steady state as well as extended period simulation of multiple water distribution systems and the generation of various scenarios to account for hourly demand patterns, seasonal variations as well as fire flow demands. For wastewater systems experience includes static as well as extended period simulation of multiple wastewater pump station and force main systems, incorporating knowledge on the simulation of collection area flow patterns, pump operations, and analysis of resultant force main pressures, flows and pump station cycling.

The following is a brief list of water and wastewater hydraulic modeling projects:

  • City of North Lauderdale Water (ISO certification)
  • Pago Pago, American Samoa, gravity wastewater system hydraulic model
  • Riviera Beach Wastewater
  • Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department, water and wastewater hydraulic model updates
  • Pago Pago, American Samoa, hydraulic water model development
  • Seacoast Utility Authority Western Service Area ISO Fire Flow Analysis
  • Royal Utility Water Distribution System
  • Avenir Development Water and Wastewate
  • Ancient Tree Development Water and Wastewater Seacoast Utility Authority Reclaimed Water
  • Seacoast Utility Authority Potable Wate
  • City of Coral Springs Water and Wastewate
  • City of Boca Raton Water and Reclaimed Water
  • City of Port Charlotte Rotonda Area Water
  • City of Miami Beach Wastewater
  • City of Fort Lauderdale Water and Wastewater

Today Tobon Engineering continues to be involved with the development and implementation of water and wastewater hydraulic models for many clients.

Mr. Tobon’s hydraulic modeling expertise has evolved into a technical advisory and expert role in particular for operational parameters such as extended period simulations and water age scenarios. Tobon Engineering is a recognized leader in distribution system modeling and planning, specializing in water master planning, demand forecasting, model calibration, operations evaluation and optimization, and water quality modeling applications. The goals for the use of hydraulic models are to identify hydraulic deficiencies and to explore the benefits and costs of various solutions.


A few key and important hydraulic modeling projects are presented below which represents the vast experience of Tobon Engineering.

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    Table of contents

      Palm Beach County Water Utilities Reclaimed Water Master Plan-Hydraulic Modeling

      Palm Beach County Water Utilities requested that Brown and Caldwell and its subconsultant Tobon Engineering create a Reclaimed Water Master Plan. The primary goal of the Master Plan was to document and evaluate the reclaimed water system and provide recommendations for future infrastructure and treatment improvements. Another aspect was the integration of the Palm Beach and Broward Counties reclaimed water systems for the delivery of reclaimed water to customers in the southern portion of the County. Tobon Engineering served as the hydraulic model developer, master plan technical reviewer and developer of complex modeling scenarios. As a result of the project, the Palm Beach Reclaimed water model was combined with the Broward Reclaimed water model to create a comprehensive cohesive model suitable for long term analysis and planning.  This allowed Palm Beach County to optimize capital investments for delivery of reclaimed water service.

      Mr. Tobon combined the two County hydraulic models included all high service reclaimed water pumps and complex operational parameters. As a results piping of the reclaimed water system was optimized.
      Mr. Tobon combined the two County hydraulic models included all high service reclaimed water pumps and complex operational parameters. As a results piping of the reclaimed water system was optimized.

      Palm Beach County Water Utilities Hydraulic Water Model

      Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department contracted with Chen Moore and Associates (CMA) to update the existing 35,000 pipe potable water hydraulic model. The update included the most current physical and operating conditions, planning level of service adequacy, and facilities evaluation. CMA requested Tobon Engineering serve as the technical advisor and reviewer for this important project. Mr. Tobon was responsible for the development of the original County hydraulic water model and served as invaluable resource that allowed the update to be completed in an organized efficient manner.

      The objectives of the project included:

      • Evaluate water demands to understand potable water system behavior and analyzed the system under planning periods 2020, 2025, 2030, and 2035.
      • Complete and document updates in the hydraulic model based on current physical, operational and water demand conditions.
      • Perform calibration of the hydraulic model to accurately reflect existing potable water system conditions.
      • Develop a comprehensive set of scenarios and perform a hydraulic model evaluation based on model results.
      • Complete a hydraulic model evaluation under several special conditions such as large user demands, water source tracing, and water treatment plants out of service.
      • Perform a valve criticality assessment to identify the level of impact on the potable water system whenvalves fail to operate and provide location of additional valves.

      The final report which was produced under the direction of Mr. Tobon summarized existing potable water system facilities, water demands, hydraulic model calibration efforts, summarized by hydraulic model results and special evaluation including valve criticality assessment.

      The Palm Beach County Hydraulic Water Model is complex and contains over 35,000 pipes, 4 water treatment plants, 25 ground storage tanks, 40 high service pumps with controls and is used for capital planning and water quality evaluations.

      Seacoast Utility Authority Hydraulic Water Model

      Tobon Engineering developed and calibrated the Seacoast Utility Authority 15 MGD water system hydraulic model. The hydraulic model (Infowater Software) was developed from GIS data of the water system and asbuilts of the pumping facilities. The model included the most current physical and operating conditions, planning level of service adequacy, and facilities evaluation. For the hydraulic water model, above ground water storage tanks were modeled using data shown in as-built drawings and obtained from the SCADA system. Characteristics such as level and diameter were included in the model to accurately reflect tank characteristics. The final report summarized existing potable water system facilities, water demands, hydraulic model calibration efforts, hydraulic model results and evaluation. The hydraulic model was developed as extended period simulation format and was used to determine future capital projects and operating parameters.

      Complex parameters such as water booster station operations and storage tank filling were modeled using extended period simulation.
      Complex parameters such as water booster station operations and storage tank filling were modeled using extended period simulation.
      Water customer demand curves were developed from thousands of AMI records for a period of one year and used in the hydraulic water model for calibration.
      Water customer demand curves were developed from thousands of AMI records for a period of one year and used in the hydraulic water model for calibration.

      Avenir and Ancient Tree Hydraulic Water and Wastewater Models

      Tobon Engineering developed both the water and wastewater hydraulic models for the Avenir and Ancient Tree Developments located in Palm Beach County. The hydraulic water model was used for sizing of infrastructure based on fire flow demands; water age analysis was also carried out to determine water quality impacts caused by incremental demands during construction. The hydraulic wastewater model was developed based on anticipated demands and used to size forcemains and pump stations during various phases of customer demands.

      The objectives of the project included:

      • Evaluate water demands to understand potable water system behavior and analyzed the system under various phases and buildout conditions.
      • Complete and document updates in the hydraulic model based on current physical, operational and water and wastewater demand conditions.
      • Develop a comprehensive set of scenarios and perform a hydraulic model evaluation based on model results.

      Completed a hydraulic model evaluation under several special conditions such as water age, and fire flow conditions.

      An important goal of the hydraulic modeling was the development of water age analysis due to the location of the potable water source and the incremental nature of the water system expansion.
      An important goal of the hydraulic modeling was the development of water age analysis due to the location of the potable water source and the incremental nature of the water system expansion.

      Elevate Your Water and Wastewater Systems with Expert Engineering

      Harness over 34 years of expertise for unparalleled results in water and wastewater management and engineering.